Research and creative works authored or created by University of Iowa faculty and staff as part of their professional duties are eligible to be added to Iowa Research Online.
University of Iowa Libraries staff works with university colleges, departments, research centers, and individual faculty to select, submit, and manage content. Faculty and researchers are invited to contribute their scholarship for long-term preservation, discoverability, and accessibility. Archiving content in IRO is free and allowed by many publishers.
The type of content housed in IRO includes but is not limited to:
Content archived in IRO is:
Works are added to IRO in three ways:
If works do not have associated full-text files or links, View Online options are available to connect to library subscription sources, search library holdings, or request interlibrary loan.
UI faculty and researchers can self-deposit their scholarly work in Iowa Research Online. Anything appropriate for a CV is appropriate for inclusion in Iowa Research Online, though you must have the right to post any uploaded files. Deposits are reviewed by library staff. Upon approval, the records will be discoverable in Iowa Research Online, InfoHawk+, Google, and Google Scholar.
To deposit your work, go to, and click the Sign in button. This will take you to your Iowa Research Online account where you can see your profile and the works we already have in the system. Then click the ADD CONTENT button, fill out the form as completely as possible, and click Submit. The video below will walk you through the whole process, from start to finish.
(NOTE: To deposit data in IRO, please see our Data Deposit Guide or contact for assistance.)
If you have any problems or questions, please contact us at