Focus: From the history of the labor movement to 21st Century Wisconsin public employee protests
Focus: Sexual Assault and Public Policy
Focus: Contrasting methods of reporting news of Piracy from 1790 to present day. See the movie trailer for "Captain Phillips", the dramatization of ship capture and hostage taking by Somali pirates in 2009.
Focus: Time Magazine's 2011 Person of the Year: The Protester and past American protest movements.
Focus: Major legal issues surrounding same-sex marriage, domestic partners, and civil unions.
Focus: Somewhere between an idea and a polished publication is the gray area of "science right now" reports. Explore the sources of Gray Literature and bump up your expectations of research sources.
Focus: Lords Resistance Army and Joseph Kony
Focus: Locating primary documents that report on famine, food security, and humanitarian aid. No snacks will be provided for this workshop.
Focus: Primary resources documenting the Temperance Movement, the passage of Prohibition and its repeal.
Focus: Searching for women who put the "Rage" in suffrage!
Focus: 1) Iowa City 21-only ordinance 2) underage drinking on campuses nationwide
Focus: Foreign media coverage of Libyan leader, Mu'ammar Al-Qadhafi, for past and present events.
Focus: Find investigative reports and news accounts of events in the aftermath of human-made disasters. The list is long, but here are a few: