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Virtual Instruction Using Special Collections

  18th Century Literature

Eighteenth Century Collections Online

  19th Century Literature

Leigh Hunt LibGuide

Walt Whitman Archive

Keats Letter Project

Mabbott Poe Project

Shelley-Godwin Archive

  Book Arts and Book History

Book Model Collection at Iowa

Early Manuscripts at Iowa

15th Century Book Trade Project from Oxford

History of the Book Coursebook from UCLA

Emblematica Online


Brinton Entertainment Company Collection at the UI

Silent Films at the Library of Congress

Cinema LibGuide

  Dada and Fluxus

International Dada Archive

Digital Dada LibraryScanned documents from the International Dada Archive (Periodicals, books, ephemera).

Literarische Expressionismus Online - The German Literary Expressionism Online database contains 151 journals, yearbooks, collections and anthologies from the early 20th century in full text. Includes many German Dada publications. Log in with HawkID required.

Fluxus West Digital Collection


Organization for Transformative Works - The Organization for Transformative Works (OTW) is a “nonprofit organization run by and for fans to provide access to and preserve the history of fanworks and fan cultures.” It hosts the Archive of Our Own, a “fan-created, fan-run, nonprofit, noncommercial archive for transformative fanworks, like fanfiction, fanart, fan videos, and podfic.”

Fanac: Fan History Project - “This site is devoted to the preservation and distribution of information about science fiction and science fiction fandom. There are fanzines, photos, and all sorts of strange and wonderful information about fandom's past.” Excellent resource for research into science fiction and fantasy fan history with an ongoing effort to digitize and supply full online access to fan materials. - There’s more here than “science fiction fanzines on-line,” including photos, con materials, etc. Fanzines cover from the 1930’s into the 2000’s.

Fancyclopedia 3 - An essential resource for research into the history of SF, Fantasy, and Horror fans, pros, everything. Site includes information on events, conventions, organizations, and fanzines. 

Fan Fiction Oral History Project - Audio record of media fans telling their fandom history in their own words. Interviewed by Andrea Horbinski, Lisa Cronin, and Abigail De Kosnik. Fifty-six interviews were conducted for the book by Abigail De Kosnik called Rogue Archives: Digital Cultural Memory and Media Fandom. The University of Iowa houses forty-one of the interviews, publicly available in the Iowa Digital Library.

Media Fan Oral History Project - Preserves a record of media fandom for future generations. Morgan Dawn and Franzeska Dickson run the project, with the added support of the Organization for Transformative Works. It underwent a pilot test at Escapade 2012 under the Escapade convention sponsorship and has expanded to include other venues and locales.

  Latinx History

Migration is Beautiful

Mujeres Latinas Digital Collection -

Photographs and documents from the papers of Latinas and their families in Iowa. This collection focuses on the early to mid 20th century barrio communities in Eastern Iowa and League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) activities in Iowa.


Iowa Historic Sheet Maps

University of Iowa Campus Maps

Iowa Aerial Photo Indices

Hixson Plat Map Atlases of Iowa

Iowa Counties Historic Atlases

  Popular Culture

UC Berekley’s Pop Culture in World History

Pearson’s Pop Culture Resources

Cultural Politics

  Science Fiction

Discovering Fanzines at Iowa

Hevelin Fanzines

KU Gunn Center for the Study of Science Fiction

ACRL Internet Resources for Science Fiction and Fantasy

Texas A & M Science Fiction and Fantasy Research Database

  Student Activism

Uptight and Laidback: Iowa City in the 1960s - 

Online exhibit with lots of content, particularly in the ‘Politics and Protest’ and ‘Civil Rights’ tabs

The Daily Iowan online newspaper archive

“On a Confrontation in Iowa City” film documentary, 1967

Produced by Robert Coover, this documentary is about the December 5, 1967 demonstration on the University of Iowa campus against Dow Chemical’s recruitment of prospective employees. 29 min.

Project STAND

Student Activism Now Documented is a collaboration of repositories, including the University of Iowa Archives, featuring collections pertaining to social and political activism.


Iowa’s Suffrage Scrapbookan online exhibit

Women’s Suffrage in Iowa -

Photographs, clippings, correspondence, scrapbooks and other historic artifacts relating to the women’s suffrage movement in Iowa.

Women, Suffrage & Citizenship LibGuide

  University of Iowa History

The Daily Iowan newspaper archive, 1868-present

The Hawkeye yearbooks, 1892-1992

General course catalogs, 1970-present

Tuition and fees, 2000-2014

Profile of Students Enrolled, 1979-present (enrollment and demographic data)

University degrees awarded, 1847-present

Presidents of the University, 1847-present

UI Presidential Portrait Gallery

Theses and dissertations, 2009-present

University publications and reports (arranged by college, department, or unit)

Chronology of University History, 1847-1997 (prepared for the 1997 sesquicentennial)

  Women's History

African American Women in Iowa - 

Images, correspondence, and articles documenting the lives of African-American women in Iowa from the 1890s – 2000s. Includes the FBI file and interview transcript of civil rights activist, Edna Griffin, NAACP Fort Madison newsletters, and the complete papers of librarian Esther Walls.

Eve Drewlowe Collection - 

Artist Eve Drewelowe (1899 – 1988) became the first person to receive an MA in art from the University of Iowa in 1924. This selection of her personal papers and works of art represent her years of world travel and many artistic styles of the 20th century.

Evelyn Birkby Collection -

Radio homemakers shared recipes, homemaking tips, and observations about rural life over the airwaves in the mid-20th century. This collection features images and some recordings of radio homemakers and scrapbooks filled with radio homemaker Evelyn Birkby’s column, Up a Country Lane.

Historic Iowa Children’s Diaries -

This collection of digitized diaries includes the reflections of young women growing up in Iowa from the 1880s – 1920s.

Iowa Byington Reed Diaries -

Iowa Byington Reed’s diaries recorded her daily life in the Iowa City area from 1872 – 1936.

Iowa Women’s Archives Founders -

Selections including photographs, scrapbooks and correspondence from the papers of Iowa Women’s Archives founders, Louise Noun and Mary Louise Smith. Noun was an art collector and historian of women’s suffrage. Smith was a Republican Party activist and the first woman to chair the Republican National Committee.

Iowa Women’s Archives Images -

A collection of photographs, papers, and diaries from a several unrelated Iowa Women’s Archives collections. This collection includes diaries and letters from the 19th and early 20th century, women’s club records, and images from missionary Ortha Lane’s work in China from the 1920s to the 1930s. There are also a few photographs of nursing students at the University of Iowa, women’s basketball games, and Equal Rights Amendment activism.

Mildred Wirt Benson Collection -

Selections from the papers of Mildred Wirt Benson who, working under the pseudonym Carolyn Keene, wrote the first Nancy Drew mysteries. This collection has photographs and articles featuring Benson and several of her short stories and articles. It also includes book jackets and front matter from many Nancy Drew titles.

Noble Photograph Collection -

Greeting cards, portraits and other photographs focusing on the lives of Iowa women around the early 20th century.

Rural Women Digital Collection -

Images, articles, and scrapbooks documenting rural life in Iowa in the early 20th century. This collection has a strong focus on Jessie Field Shambaugh, the founder of 4-H.

University of Iowa Physical Education for Women -

Over 900 historic photographs and 75 films, circa 1900-1980, documenting the Department of Physical Education for Women at the University of Iowa, a pioneer in the development of graduate study, professional training, and athletic opportunities for women.

Woman’s Christian Temperance Movement -

Proceedings for meetings of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union of Iowa from 1874 to 1897. The organization was dedicated to efforts to prevent juvenile delinquency and support woman's suffrage.

Women’s Movement in Iowa -

Documents related to protests, anti-racism, and a Take Back the Night Rally in Iowa City in the early 1980s.