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Measuring Impact

What are Author Metrics?

Author metrics allow you to determine the influence and productivity of an author or researcher.  An author's impact is determined by many factors, including how often they are cited and in what types of journals they are cited.  There are also non-traditional factors, including links to author's works on websites, types of press choosing to publish an author's work, and what repositories contain copies of an author's work. 

Author metrics are available in:

Determining an Author's Impact

sample h-index

example of an author's h-index

More on h-Index

Determining h-index

Articles Discussing Limitations of h-index

Your Author Profile

Take charge of your author metrics!  This will allow you to keep track of your cited references and other metrics like your h-index.

Cited Reference Search

To determine how many times an author has been cited in other published works, try either: