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Let your new library liaison, Andrea Anderson, know.
Undergraduate Engagement Librarians offer Rhetoric classes a variety of ways to introduce students to library research:
Information Literacy Instruction (Recommended for all 1030/1040/1060 courses)
Information literacy instruction is a set of skills that enable individuals to recognize when information is needed and to have the ability to locate, evaluate, and effectively and ethically use the needed information. It is often included in subject specific instruction and library orientations.
Individual Help/Research Consultations (Recommended for all courses)
Subject specialist librarians are happy to provide one-on-one assistance in the form of research consultations (30-40 minute appointments)
Online Instruction / Tutorials / Research Guides (Recommended for flipped classroom instruction or classes unable to come to the library)
ICON modules specifically created for Rhetoric classes as well as other library created online tutorials can be used by individual students wishing to enhance their skills, or by professors in conjunction with a course or assignment. The Rhetoric Library Tutorials offer a quiz, so instructors are encouraged to upload the module to ICON and/or assign them to their students for credit. Library Guides are also useful for identifying discipline-specific resources.
Library Orientations (Basic. Recommended for quick introductions, short classes, or pre-research assignments)
Designed to familiarize library users with the UI Libraries, library orientations acquaint students with our collections, services, and policies.