IT'S INTERNATIONALRILM indexes music scholarship & publishing from around the globe (that includes 151 countries, and writings penned in 214 languages). Most indexed information is available in English, including the abstract. However, RILM is working to add abstracts written in the item's native language. |
A IS FOR ABSTRACTSEach RILM record contains an abstract* of around 200 words that provides you with a summary of an item's content. Abstracts are an excellent tool for quick evaluation of an item's relevancy to your research need. |
STAYING POWERRILM started indexing content over 40 years ago. Your professor's professors used this index for their research. The depth of its abstracts and the sophistication of RILM's indexing vocabulary remain vital to music researchers today. |
MADE BY & FOR SCHOLARSWhen you need to search reliable, in-depth, scrupulously edited information about music, RILM is a great starting point. Not only are the items within RILM created by the music scholars around the world, the index itself is built and maintained by music scholars, too. |