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Linking to Full-Text Articles for Course Pages: DOIs

About Digital Object Identifiers (DOIs)

The best and most reliable way to create a direct link is to make use of the DOI (Digital Object Identifier) from the publisher’s website. DOI is a de facto standard that cuts across most academic publishers.

However, not all publishers provide a DOI. The DOI is most commonly found near the top or bottom of an article; be sure to check both HTML and PDF versions.

How to link to an article with DOI

To create a link to any DOI:

For off-campus access, add the proxy URL:


DOI: 10.1016/S0022-0248(01)01064-8

Link to article:

Link to article including off-campus users:

Hardin Library

Profile Photo
Jennifer DeBerg

Need Help?

If you are trying to link to an article and none of the methods in this guide work for you, or if you have questions, please contact your Hardin departmental liaison for further assistance.