The Fighting for Social Justice section of this guide provides a sample of Iowa Women's Archives collections that engage with social justice struggles of the past and present. In particular, it highlights the Latinx and LGBTQ collections that speak to ongoing efforts toward racial and social justice. All of our struggles are connected. This guide also features collections that include material on the anti-racist work of individuals, communities, and organizations, as well as other efforts to confront issues of race and racism.
Specialized projects:
Order form for "Black Lesbians, an Annotated Bibliography," 1981
Women’s Resource and Action Center records, Iowa Women's Archives
Brown-Black Coalition, June 1988 (Democratic Presidential Debate)
Ila Plasencia papers, Mujeres Latinas Digital Collection, Iowa Women's Archives
Estefania Joyce Rodriguez sitting on steps with brothers John and Tom (right) in doorway, Bettendorf, Iowa, circa 1925
Estefania Joyce Rodriguez papers, Iowa Women's Archives