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ENGL:1200 The Interpretation of Literature - Helm: MLA International Bibliography

MLA International Bibliography Basics

MLA International Bibliography


MLA International Bibliography contains bibliographic information (citations) for over 2 million records dating back to the late 1800s. 

Produced by the Modern Language Association, this database provides information on literary studies, communication, language and linguistics, rhetoric, and folklore. 

Search Tips

Get friendly with UI Link - you'll need it. Most of the records within MLAIB contain citation information only. Use UI Link to find the full text of a promising article through the other databases the library has access to.

mlaib uilink

Clicking UI Link will show you other databases that have the full text of the article you are looking for. If none of UI's databases contain the full text, click "Request this article by Inter Library Loan/Document Delivery" at the bottom: this will link you to the ILL request form, and should have all of the fields filled out for you! (You will need to make an ILL account if you do not have one already.)
