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ENGL:1200 The Interpretation of Literature - Helm: Literature Online (LION)

Literature Online (LION) Basics

Literature Online


Literature Online (LION) is a fully searchable library of over 350,000 works of English and American literature, overseen by an academic advisory board.

This database also includes access to 328 full-text online literature journals and includes criticism as an established search.

Literature Online (LION) Video Tutorial

* Don't let the still image from the video fool you - this is a video about using Literature Online!

Search Tips & Tricks

LION Home Page

1. Basic Search is a simple way to find what you are looking for in Literature Online. Basic Search searches across all content within Literature Online. You can also click the buttons for Criticism, Primary texts, Author pages or Reference works to focus your search to a specific content type. For more details about the Basic search feature, click here.

2. LION contains several content types:

  • For Criticism, click the Search criticism button to find Scholarly articles, reviews, books and dissertations.
  • For Primary texts, click the Search Primary texts button to find original literary works of poetry, drama and prose. You can also search poetry, drama and prose specifically.
  • For Reference works, you can browse the book carousel to find highlighted encyclopedias, companions, dictionaries, biographies and study guides.
  • For Authors, you can browse the carousel of frequently viewed authors, or click Browse authors by literary period, literary movement or name to find any author available in LION.
  • For Audio and Video collections, click Shakespeare Audio Plays, Poets on screen or Poetry archive audio to search or browse the collections.

3. Click Title list to download a spreadsheet containing a list of all content in your institution LION subscription.

4. This part explains which LION collections your institution subscribes to. Click here to read more about the available collections.

Criticism Search

You can produce a list of material written about an author or their works, including references to articles, monographs and dissertations and related entries in major reference works and relevant websites.

1. You can search all criticism. You can also search ABELL (Annual Bibliography of English Language Literature) individually.

For more details about the criticism content in LION, click here.

For more details about advanced search features, click here.