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Engineering Research 201: Literature Reviews

This engineering research guide will help faculty and researchers to navigate library resources and services.
Literature / Scoping / Systematic Reviews

Types of Reviews

There are many types of reviews. The commonly known types of reviews are:

  • Literature ReviewA wide scope and non-standardized methodology; Examine recent or current literature.
  • Scoping ReviewLooks at themes, trends, and gaps in research; Systematically collects and categorizes existing evidence.
  • Systematic ReviewA method that aims to identify, appraise, and synthesize all the empirical evidence to answer a well-formulated research question.

The systematic review decision tree methodologies (see attached PDF below) developed by Cornell University Library will help you find the right type of review.  

Standards & Guidelines

What Can Librarians Help?

The steps of conducting a review project such as a systematic review include:

  • Develop a protocol
  • Perform searches
  • Screen articles
  • Assess quality
  • Extract data and synthesis
  • Write up

We can help you:

  • Provide feedback on your project protocol
  • Identify sources, design search strategies, and manage search results
  • Get you familiar with EndNote citation software for managing references
  • Write up a method section describing search strategies for your report


Marina Zhang - Liaison

Need Help?

Qianjin (Marina) Zhang
Engineering & Informatics Librarian, Lichtenberger Engineering Library
2001 Seamans Center (2nd Floor)