Health Services Research Information Central (HSRIC) - Data, Tools, and Statistics
Finding and Using Health Statistics: A Self-Study Course
Search websites of private, professional and voluntary agencies and organizations (e.g. American Cancer Society and American Heart Association).
Searching for review articles in PubMed.
Go to the MeSH Database and search for Guillian-Barre Syndrome. Select the subheadings mortality (mo), statistics & numerical data (sn), economics (ec) and/or epidemiology (ep) search PubMed using these terms. Once you get your list of journal articles select Limits then select Review under Publication Types narrow down your results.
In PubMed:
Guillain-Barre Syndrome/epidemiology[MeSH]
Guillain-Barre Syndrome/mortality"[MeSH])Note: the subheading “epidemiology” includes incidence, frequency, prevalence, endemic and epidemic outbreaks. It also includes surveys and estimates of morbidity in geographic areas and in specified populations. This is not to be confused with the subject heading "epidemiology" which is the "field of medicine concerned with the determination of causes, incidence, and characteristic behavior of disease outbreaks affecting human populations."
Current Index to Statistics
The Current Index to Statistics (CIS) is a bibliographic index of publications in statistics, probability, and related fields. It includes data from approximately 160 core journals, 1,200 additional journals in related fields, and 11,000 books. The bulk of the content in CIS is from 1975-2017. CIS was developed by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics and the American Statistical Association.
Many print statistical resources are available at the Hardin Library. Check the Reserve area, search the InfoHawk Catalog or ask at the Information Desk. General textbooks can be a good source of statistical information. View the footnotes, citations, and/or bibliography to find the original data source.
Selected print resources at Hardin Library:
Hospital Statistics from the American Hospital Association
Location: Hardin Library Reserve FOLIO RA981.A2 H58
Physician Characteristics & Distribution in the U.S. from the American Medical Association
Location: Hardin Library Reserve RA410.8.U5 P4
Physician Socioeconomic Statistics from the American Medical Association
Location: Hardin Library Reserve R729 .P49
Health Care State Rankings
Location: Hardin Library Reserve FOLIO RA407.3 .H42