Q. Must one be a member of a subscribing institution in order to access and download the non-restricted data?
A. No, any registered user can download QDR content, subject to any restrictions (e.g., participant protection).
Q. If a researcher wants to also store their data in their home IR, do they need prior written permission?
A. No, however to avoid confusion, current best practice is to have an authoritative version in one location. If additional versions are posted, they should be described as duplicates of that copy.
Q. If a researcher deposits a study/data while their institution subscribes as a member, and at a future date the institution no longer subscribes, will that impact the researcher's status and data?
A. No, this will not have any impact.
Q. Can a researcher who has deposited data to QDR transfer the data to another repository?
A. Under typical circumstances, de-accessioning from QDR is not possible. In part, this is because scholars re-using the data will have relied on QDR's holdings to provide research transparency in their own subsequent work, and they need to be able to link to that particular dataset. Moreover, depositors withdrawing data is technically and financially burdensome for a repository (for example, scrubbing the data from the distributed backups in DPN nodes would be a major lift). However, there is no objection to the scholar posting a duplicate dataset in another repository.
Q. Who do I contact if i have questions?
A. You can contact QDR at any point in the research process.