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Food: History & Culture: Books

Selected Reference Books

Library of Congress Call Numbers

TX341-TX641 Nutrition. Foods and Food Supply
 TX353 Food History
 TX360-TX361 Diet, food supply of countries and groups
 TX369-TX370 Natural foods, junk foods
 TX371-TX407 Meats, dairy, vegetables, vegetarianism, cereals, spices, condiments    
 TX501-TXTX549   Food analysis, composition, methods of analysis
 TX551-TX560 Food values, dietary studies, specific foods, constituents
 TX563-TX597 Food adulteration, residues, impurities
 TX599-TX612 Home food preservation and storage
  TX631-TX641 Gastronomy


In the Main Library, circulating items beginning with TX are located on the 2nd Floor, southwest side. 

