Fowler, Gwendolyn (1907 - 1997)Papers, 1905 – 1996. 5.5 linear feet. Gwendolyn Wilson Fowler was the first Black woman to be licensed as a pharmacist in Iowa. She graduated in 1930, but was unable to find work in her field until 1944. For her induction speech to the Iowa Women's Hall of Fame in 1987, Fowler wrote "1930 found me a graduate registered Pharmacist seeking employment. I was told that there was no position open because of the great depression, and that it was not profitable to hire women because of the limit on working hours, and that the Pharmacy had never hired a Negro." Most of her collection focuses on other aspects of her life such as community involvement and travel. However, the Employment series includes her pharmacy school yearbook, licenses and renewals, and a small amount of correspondence with an employer, Broadlawns Medical Center.