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Iowa Women in Health and Medicine: An Iowa Women's Archives Resource Guide: Physicians

A guide to primary sources held at the Iowa Women's Archives that feature women in the medical profession including physicians, nurses, midwives, and pharmacists.

From the Myrtle Hinkhouse papers


Myrtle Hinkhouse was given this notice in 1914 indicating that she met the requirements for an MD from the Women's Medical College in Pennsylvania. 

Myrtle Hinkhouse (seated front on the left) and her colleagues at the Paoting Fu Mission Hospital in 1941. 

When Myrtle Hinkhouse attended the Women's Medical College in Philadelphia, it was one of the few schools in the United States that trained women to be physicians. That history is celebrated in this article found in Hinkhouse's papers. 

From the Sarah C. Taylor papers

One of several receipts from Sarah C. Taylor's papers that represent her medical practice in Hamburg, Iowa.

Physicians' Papers

From the Jill Meadows papers

Newspaper article by Jill Meadows entitled "Conclusion: Life Begins at Birth"

Dr. Jill Meadows, who also went by the name Jill Vibhakar, discussed her decision to perform abortions as a practicing Christian in this revealing article on her career. 

Schedule for Gonzaels v. Carhart hearing in the Supreme Court of the U.S., 2006

Dr. Jill Meadows, then named Jill Vibhakar, testified in the US Supreme Court case Gonzales V. Carhart. Her papers include details of her visit to Washington DC for the case. 

From the Zella White Stewart papers

Letter from Zella Stewart to a fellow physician, 1926

Dr. Zella White Stewart's papers encompass personal and professional correspondence including many letters like this addressing her treatment of patients with asthma, hay fever, and various allergies.