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Engineering Research 201: Scholarly Publishing

This engineering research guide will help faculty and researchers to navigate library resources and services.
Scholarly Publishing

Open Access Agreements

Research libraries are increasingly entering into open access agreements (sometimes called transformative agreements, read-and-publish, or publish-and-read agreements) with academic publishers to allow affiliated authors to publish open access without paying article processing charges (APCs). Under this model, libraries pay publishers for access to a journal’s full content, as well as the right to make their researchers’ work open access, under a single contract and fee. If you have any questions about open access agreements, please contact your liaison librarian or the Scholarly Impact department. 

Articles published through our Open Access agreements are listed in the UI Libraries Support Open Access collection in Iowa Research Online. Here are the open access agreements the UI Libraries has contracted so far:

As of October 2024, the funding from these agreements has saved UI authors over $3.3 million!

pie chart showing Total APC savings by publisher


ORCID stands for Open Researcher and Contributor ID. The ORCID initiative focuses on solving the name ambiguity problem by creating persistent unique identifiers and linking mechanisms between different ID schemes and research objects. An ORCID iD is a persistent digital identifier that distinguishes you from other researchers.

How can you get an ORCID identifier?

You can also easily create an ORCID iD with your UI  credentials using the UI ORCID Planter tool.

What if you already have an ORCID identifier?

If you have already created an ORCID iD, log-in to the UI ORCID Planter tool, follow the prompts to the page that instructs you to to log-in and grant the university permission to read your ORCID record. If you are not registered, you will be presented with a pre-filled registration page.

Please watch how-to-video tutorial below.

Researcher Profile

University of Iowa researchers can Sign in to Iowa Research Online (IRO) to access their profile. These profiles are private by default and researchers can make their profiles public by clicking the Make your profile public? link. 

Make your profile public


Once you've made your profile public, you can find your profile URL by going to Edit Profile or Settings and then the My public profile link section:

To edit your research profile, please check out the instruction.

To learn more about the researcher profile system, check out Q & A document. 

In addition, you can reuse Researcher Profile's bibliographies for your ORCiD profile. Please watch the how-to video tutorial.

Check out the following videos to see how to upload your publications in the IRO into SciENcv and/or my NCBI

How Can You Contribute to Open Education and Open Access?

Disciplinary Repositories

Disciplinary repositories are publicly available online archives that host and distribute preprints, accepted manuscripts, working papers, etc.