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Indexes and Databases
- Access to ILO Databases :
- Labordoc:
ILO Library Catalogue. Over 350,000 bibliographic records describing ILO books, journal articles, reports and other publications covering many work-related issues. Increasing number of links to online publications available in full-text.
ILOLEX is a full-text database of more than 80,000 full-text documents on international labour standards, fundamental principles and rights at work.
- Index to International Statistics (IIS). Many statistical sources from ILO are indexed through IIS (1983-, Main Ref fAI1.I49), and the web counterpart ProQuest Statistical Insight
. The contents of these sources are available in the IIS microfiche collection and some are available in the print collection.
- International Labour Documentation. 1977-2001. Gov Pubs Stacks Z7164.L1 I64. Main Reserves and Media Microfiche 195: 1965-1977.
Monthly. Indexes by subject articles from journals published by the ILO and other publishers pertaining to international labour issues. As an alternative, use Labordoc.
- Legislative Series General Subject Index 1919-1988. Gov Pubs Stacks HD7809.I74. Indexes labour and social security legislation of different countries.