Old Capitol Museum Exhibit: Hard Won Not DoneTo commemorate the 100th anniversary of the passing of the 19th amendment, the Old Capitol Museum presents the exhibition, “Hard Won, Not Done: A Century's Struggle.” An examination of the suffragists’ work at the national, state, and local levels which carried us through our first step toward gender equality: a woman’s right to vote. A monumental step, it was but the first of many—some still ahead.
In partnership with the League of Women Voters (who also celebrate 100 years in 2020) the exhibit features suffragist history and artifacts, examines themes of intersectionality, movement fragmentation, achievements and delays, and highlights some movement heroes with a call from the past to use your vote today.
Please join us on the 2nd Floor Rotunda, open daily during regular museum hours: Tues-Sat 10am-5pm, Sun 1-5pm
Iowa Electronic Markets"The IEM is an online futures market where contract payoffs are based on real-world events such as political outcomes, companies' earnings per share (EPS), and stock price returns. The market is operated by University of Iowa Henry B. Tippie College of Business faculty as an educational and research project."
American National Election Studies"The American National Election Studies (ANES) produces high quality data on voting, public opinion, and political participation to serve the research needs of social scientists, teachers, students, policy makers and journalists who want to better understand the theoretical and empirical foundations of national election outcomes."
CQ Voting and Elections"Find top-quality reference narratives and documents on elections, parties, voter behavior, and campaigns. Extract election results by meaningful characteristics: candidate, office, locality, and race type over time. Access U.S. election results across states with great historical depth and accuracy."
iPoll databankThis link opens in a new windowUsers that have an email address with the extension @uiowa.edu can self-register by visiting: https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/ipoll/login although registration is no longer necessary to search or download when connected to the campus network. Once users enter their email address, they should receive an activation email with a link to complete registration IPoll is a comprehensive, up-to-date source for US nationwide public opinion. A full-text retrieval system, the iPoll online database is organized at the question level, providing the tools to sift through nearly a half million questions asked on national public opinion surveys, 1935 to present. Surveys archived in the Roper Catalog were originally gathered by academic, commercial and media survey organizations such as Gallup Organization, Harris Interactive, Pew Research Associates, and many more.
Pew Research Center: U.S. Politics & Policy"Pew Research Center is a nonpartisan fact tank that informs the public about the issues, attitudes and trends shaping the world. It conducts public opinion polling, demographic research, media content analysis and other empirical social science research. Pew Research Center does not take policy positions. It is a subsidiary of The Pew Charitable Trusts."
PolicyMapThis link opens in a new windowPolicyMap is a fully web-based online data and mapping application that gives you access to over 15,000 indicators related to demographics, housing, crime, mortgages, health, jobs and more. Data is available at all common geographies (address, block group, census tract, zip code, county, city, state, MSA) as well as unique geographies like school districts and political boundaries. Data comes from both public and proprietary sources. Many of the public files are available for download for free
ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the U.S.This link opens in a new windowThe ProQuest Statistical Abstract of the United States is the authoritative and comprehensive summary of statistics on the social, political, and economic conditions of the United States. The online version includes monthly updates to tables, deep searching at the line-item level, powerful facets for narrowing search results, image and spreadsheet versions of all current and historical tables, along with links to provider sites.
SimplyAnalyticsThis link opens in a new windowUsers have a choice to either create an account to log-in using their e-mail address or click a button to log-in as a guest
SimplyMap is a web-based mapping application that lets users quickly create professional-quality thematic maps and reports using demographic, business, and marketing data for the United States. NB: 5 concurrent user limit.
Social ExplorerThis link opens in a new windowSocial Explorer is an online research tool designed to provide quick and easy access to historical census data and demographic information. It creates fast, intuitive, and appealing maps and reports to help users visually analyze and understand demography and social change throughout history. The site currently includes the entire US Census history from 1790 to 2000, all annual updates from the American Community Survey, and the Religious Congregations and Membership Study from 1980 to 2000. Users may wish to create an individual account to save maps and other features in Social Explorer.
Europa World PlusThis link opens in a new windowEconomic, political, historical, and geographic profiles of 250+ countries and global regions. Contact information for political, business, media, and cultural agencies and officials, including 1,900 international organizations. Search or browse by country, region, organization, or people.
Call Number: Main Reference Collection FOLIO JK1967 .A8
ISBN: 0065-678X
Provides district maps, voter turn for primary and general elections from post-WWII through last presidential election.
Encyclopedia of Presidential Campaigns, Slogans, Issues, and Platforms by Robert North Roberts
Call Number: Main Reference Collection E176.1 .R6 2004
ISBN: 0313319731
Encyclopedia of Third Parties in America by Immanuel Ness ; James Ciment
Call Number: Main Reference Collection FOLIO JK2261 .E474 2000
ISBN: 0765680203
Encyclopedia of the Republican Party: Encyclopedia of the Democratic Party by George Thomas Kurian; Jeffrey D Schultz
Call Number: Main Reference Collection FOLIO JK2352 .E6 1997
ISBN: 1563247291
Presidential Also-Rans and Running Mates, 1788 through 1996 by Leslie H. Southwick
Call Number: Main Reference Collection E176.1 .S695 1998
ISBN: 0786403101
Statistical History of the American Electorate by Jerrold G. Rusk
Call Number: Main Reference Collection JK 1967 .R87 2001
ISBN: 1568023642
The voting rights act : the first months by United States Commission on Civil Rights
Call Number: Main Gov. CR 1.2:V94/2
World Encyclopedia of Political Systems and Parties
Call Number: Main Reference Collection FOLIO JF2011 .W67 2006
ISBN: 0816059535
Unequal Democracy: The Political Economy of the New Gilded Age by Larry M. Bartels
Call Number: Main HC106.5 .B347 2008
ISBN: 0691136637
Encyclopedia of U. S. Political History (Online) by Andrew Robertson; Richard Valelly; Robert Johnston; Thomas Langston; Michael A. Morrison; William G. Shade; Robert ZiegerUnparalleled coverage of U.S. political development through a unique chronological framework, Encyclopedia of U.S. Political History explores the events, policies, activities, institutions, groups, people, and movements that have created and shaped political life in the United States. With contributions from scholars in the fields of history and political science, this seven-volume set provides students, researchers, and scholars the opportunity to examine the political evolution of the United States from the 1500s to the present day. With greater coverage than any other resource, the Encyclopedia of U.S. Political History identifies and illuminates patterns and interrelations that will expand the reader's understanding of American political institutions, culture, behavior, and change. Focusing on both government and history, the Encyclopedia brings exceptional breadth and depth to the topic with more than 100 essays for each of the critical time periods covered. With each volume covering one of seven time periods that correspond to key eras in American history, the essays and articles in this authoritative encyclopedia focus on the following themes of political history: The three branches of government, Elections and political parties, Legal and constitutional histories, Political movements and philosophies, and key political figures, Economics, Military politics, International relations, treaties, and alliances, Regional histories. Key Features Organized chronologically by political erasReader&BAD:’s guide for easy-topic searching across volumesMaps, photographs, and tables enhance the textSigned entries by a stellar group of contributorsVOLUME 1Colonial Beginnings through Revolution1500&BAD:–1783Volume Editor: Andrew Robertson, Herbert H. Lehman College The colonial period witnessed the transformation of thirteen distinct colonies into an independent federated republic. This volume discusses the diversity of the colonial political experience&BAD:—a diversity that modern scholars have found defies easy synthesis&BAD:—as well as the long-term conflicts, policies, and events that led to revolution, and the ideas underlying independence. VOLUME 2The Early Republic1784&BAD:–1840Volume Editor: Michael A. Morrison, Purdue UniversityNo period in the history of the United States was more critical to the foundation and shaping of American politics than the early American republic. This volume discusses the era of Confederation, the shaping of the U.S. Constitution, and the development of the party system.
Television permanently altered the way Americans saw their presidentials candidates, and commercials played at pivotal role. At the Living Room Candidate, you can explore more than 300 presidential commercials dating back to 1952. View credits, transcripts, election results, and more.