"There are lots of university resources and supports available to assist you. A list of a select few resources that may be able to assist in navigating the University of Iowa."
Call (319) 335-1497
This site provides listings for campus and community resources that help support basic needs. Food insecurity, child care, health and wellness, mental health, and others are examples of resources you'll find in the directory.
"Our mission is to provide undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Iowa with access to quality, new or used professional clothing at no cost."
"The Food Pantry at Iowa provides free nutritious food and basic necessities for University of Iowa students, graduate and professional students, postdocs, staff, and faculty. Food accessibility and affordability is important for college students to survive, maintain a healthy lifestyle, and to concentrate in classes."
"International Student and Scholar Services (ISSS) provides leadership in international education and intercultural learning through services to international students and scholars, their dependents, the University, and the surrounding community."
Call (319) 353-2700
"MISSE provides a 'Home Away From Home' atmosphere for many students and can be utilized by any UI student or reserved for student organization events, with approval."
"MISSE also provides intra-and cross-cultural education, leadership and organizational development opportunities, social justice education, and change. MISSE compliments the academic mission of the University by enhancing students' inside and outside of the classroom."
"If you have an issue or need a resource related to an incident of bias, discrimination, harassment, or sexual misconduct we are here for you."
Call (319) 335-3555
"Student Disability Services is here to support you in whatever manner you prefer (in-person, virtual, phone). Please feel free to contact us by phone or email with any questions you have or to set up an appointment."
Email: sds-info@uiowa.edu
Phone: 319-335-1462
"We aim to support student wellness and learning through educational and health promotion services that help students create healthy lifestyles."
To make an appointment.
Call 319-335-8394.
"Learning in university courses is demanding, and most students report not having been taught how to study or learn effectively before arriving on campus. The Learning at Iowa team has partnered with over 25 academic departments and administrative units across campus to address this challenge and support student learning. The team works closely with Academic Support & Retention and the OTLT Center for Teaching to develop practical and easy-to-implement resources tailored to students, instructors, and staff."
"The Mathematics Tutorial Laboratory is a place for students to get assistance studying for their math classes. Its primary function is to provide students with the opportunity to receive one-on-one help from tutors ready and able to answer questions."
"The University of Iowa’s Supplemental Instruction (SI) program is a FREE, course-specific, peer-facilitated group study session that was developed to improve retention and academic success within historically challenging courses. SI sessions are held multiple times per week throughout the semester by a SI Leader."
"The Writing Center can provide feedback on any writing project, including multimedia projects, at any stage of development. We also promote teaching with writing with individual consultations for faculty and other writing across campus programs. Our services are free and available to anyone in the University of Iowa community."
Email: writing-center@uiowa.edu
Call: (319) 335-0188.
Sexual Harm, Dating Violence, and Stalking
Call: (319) 335-1486
Email: wrac@uiowa.edu and leave a message with your name and how you can be reached.
You may leave information about your specific concern/s, but are not required to do so.
"WRAC provides confidential, 1:1 assistance and support for anyone with concerns about discrimination, harassment, violence, or other matters. We specialize in identity-based concerns, and care about your experience."