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RHETORIC: I-Search Assignment

This guide was developed in collaboration with Rhetoric TA Kaden St. Onge during the spring 2022 semester. The guide provide process based guidance and resource suggestions to support students' I-Search paper research.

Finding Books (and more) in InfoHawk+

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What can InfoHawk+ help me find?

InfoHawk+ searches our physical materials (books, DVDs, etc.). It's the tool you need to use to find a book on the shelf, or an e-book online. Books are only part of what it can find.

It will also search a wide range of electronic resources, including Iowa Research Online, selected major databases in a diverse set of academic disciplines, and items unique to the UI Libraries like those in our Iowa Digital Collections.

InfoHawk+ Tutorials

Your friendly University of Iowa Librarians created these tutorials to help you learn how to use InfoHawk+ like a pro. If you have any questions, please ask a librarian.

Finding Articles in Databases

Below is a selection of just some of the many databases available for finding articles. These databases help you locate relevant articles in scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers. In many cases, the full text of the article is available in the database. When that is not the case, always click on the gold UILink UILink Logobutton to see if we subscribe to the periodical in print or online. Chances are good that we do. If time allows, you can always request an article (for free!) using our Interlibrary Loan and Document Delivery Service.