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Andrea Terrones Anderson: Undergraduate Engagement Librarian

Undergraduate Engagement Librarian

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Andrea Anderson
University of Iowa Libraries
100 Main Library

About Andrea

Andrea is an Undergraduate Engagement Librarian at the Main Library where she provides reference service, outreach, and instruction. Andrea works closely with faculty and students in the Rhetoric courses and is available for individual research appointments via zoom or in person. Click the "Make an Appointment" button on the left hand side for availability.

Andrea's areas of research include information literacy, library instruction, and media literacy. In continuous support of student success initiatives, she has most recently completed the CSU Student Success Analytics Certificate Program in Spring of 2023.


MLIS, San Jose State University, 2015. 

BA, History, California State University, Bakersfield, 2012. Minor in Children's Literature.

Publications and other Intellectual Contributions

Peer-reviewed Publications

Alexander, J., Anderson, A., Bozarth, S., Cribbs, H., Holloway, K., Livingston, C., Overduin, T. & Zhong, Y. (2020). The Efficient Team-Driven Quality Scholarship Model: A Process Evaluation of Collaborative Research. Collaborative Librarianship12(1), 10.

Grombly, A., & Anderson, A. M. (2020). Information and media literacy: Integrating literacies into library instruction. Media Literacy and Academic Research, (1), 6-17.

Anderson, A., & Correa, E. (2020). Critical explorations of online sources in a culture of “fake news, alternative facts, and multiple truths.” Journal of Educational Multimedia and Hypermedia, 29(1), 21–34.

Anderson, A. (2013). Rosalie Hart Priour and Annie Fagan Teal: Loyalty to the Land in the Irish Colonies of Mexican Texas. Irish Migration Studies in Latin America8(2).

Creative Works

Terrones Anderson, A. (2022) A Christmas card, December 2020. In M. Woodman (Ed.), Writing Covid: An Anthology of poetry and flash memoir from California’s Southern San Joaquin Valley. (6th ed, pp. 11). California State University, Bakersfield. (Original work published 2022).

Terrones Anderson, A. (2022) I was never lonely during Covid. In M. Woodman (Ed.), Writing Covid: An Anthology of poetry and flash memoir from California’s Southern San Joaquin Valley. (6th ed, pp. 12-13). California State University, Bakersfield. (Original work published 2022).


Anderson, A., Overduin, T. (2021, May 21) Librarians Are Humans, Too! Addressing the Equity Gap with Humanized Online Learning in the Library [Conference presentation]. California Conference on Library Instruction, University of San Francisco. Virtual.

Anderson, A., Grombly, A., & Henry, K. (2020, March 13). Overcoming the Google phenomenon: The role of information literacy on composition courses. [Conference presentation]. Building Bridges Conference, Bakersfield, CA, United States.

Anderson, A., & Correa, E. (2019, July 24). Unre’lie’able sources of fake news: Critical explorations of alternative facts and multiple truths online. [Conference presentation]. The 26th International Conference on Learning, Queen’s University Belfast, Belfast, Northern Ireland.

Anderson A., & Correa, E. (2019, July 12). Critical explorations of online sources in a culture of fake news, alternative facts, and multiple truths. [Virtual presentation]. Global Learn Conference, Princeton-Mercer, New Jersey.

Anderson, A., & Cribbs, H. (2018, October 24). Teaching Information Literacy. [Conference presentation]. 1st Annual CSUB Teaching Conference, Bakersfield, CA, United States.

Anderson, A. (2018, June 1) Collaboration with Faculty to Re-envision Library Instruction. California Conference on Library Instruction, San Francisco, CA, United States.


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