Alumni Borrowing
Alumni may, under some circumstances, be permitted to check materials out of the Libraries. Eligibility for a library card is determined individually and is not based on alumni status. Application for a library card can be made online, at Main Library Service Desk, or any of campus libraries. 
Library Issued Borrower’s Permits
Borrower’s permits, in most circumstances, will be issued to:
- Iowa residents showing proof of residency and a picture ID (such as a current Iowa drivers license).
- Friends of the University of Iowa Libraries showing an UI Friends membership card or receipt.
- Library cards are not granted to individual students participating in group activities. Visiting high school student groups should contact 2-3 weeks in advance of a visit for assistance with class assignments.
- Students enrolled in an Iowa school showing proof of residency, and a picture ID can apply for a borrowers permit. If the student is unable to present a picture ID and proof of residency, the parent/guardian may provide documentation in their place. Faculty members and students showing a current Faculty/Student ID card from community and private colleges in Iowa (e.g. Kirkwood Community College, Mt. Mercy College, Coe College, or Cornell College)
- Faculty members, graduate students, and undergraduate students from a Big Ten Academic Alliance University, authenticating online
- Spouses and domestic partners of UI faculty, staff, and students. If not an Iowa resident, showing a Spouse and Domestic Partner ID Card.
- Independent Scholars at the University of Iowa, including Technology Innovation (TIC) clients, showing a white plastic UI Independent Scholar card.
- Participants in UI workshops, institutes, or special programs showing a white plastic “Special Programs” card.
- Staff of the UI Foundation and the VA Hospital showing a UI Staff ID card noting “Foundation” or a VA Hospital badge.
- UI fellows, post-doctoral fellows, visiting faculty, visiting fellows, residents, research associates, adjunct faculty, Saturday and Evening Class teachers, UI-sponsored visiting scholars, scholar affiliates, graduate fellows, and participants in the Iowa Critical Language Program showing relevant identification of affiliation with the University of Iowa, such as a letter from the sponsoring department.
- Professional staff members of the state and federal geological surveys, the archaeological survey, and the State Historical Society whose offices are located in Iowa City showing relevant identification.
Lost or Stolen Library Issued Cards
If your paper bar-coded UI Libraries card is lost, stolen, or mutilated, please report this as soon as possible to the issuing library or to Main Library Circulation Services. A new card can be issued and all activity blocked on your old card.