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International Writing Program Website:
The International Writing Program (IWP) is a unique conduit for the world’s literatures, connecting well-established writers from around the globe, bringing international literature into classrooms, introducing American writers to other cultures through reading tours, and serving as a clearinghouse for literary news and a wealth of archival and pedagogical materials. Since 1967, over fourteen hundred writers from more than 140 countries (including Japan) have been in residence at the University of Iowa.
Fall residency directory accessible at:
Tamura Ryuichi | 田村隆一 |
1967 | Tauchi Hatsuyoshi | 田内初義 |
1968 | Tsumura Yumiko | 津村由美子 |
1969 | Miyamoto Yoichi | 宮本陽吉 |
1969 | Oda Motoi | 小田基 |
1970 | Kawachi Kaco | 河地和子 |
1971 | Yoshimasu Gozo | 吉増剛造 |
1971 | Osada Hiroshi | 長田弘 |
1972 | Kijima Hajime | 木島始 |
1973 | Shiraishi Kazuko | 白石かずこ |
1975 | Atsumi Ikuko | 渥美育子 |
1976 | Sakagami Hiroshi | 坂上弘 |
1978 | Yoshihara Sachiko | 吉原幸子 |
1979 | Nakagami Tetsuo | 中上哲夫 |
1980 | Oba Minako | 大庭みな子 |
1980 | Shozu Ben | 正津勉 |
1982 | Nakagami Kenji | 中上健次 |
1984 | Oda Motoi | 小田基 |
1985 | Hiraide Takashi | 平出隆 |
1989 | Matsuura Hisaki | 松浦寿輝 |
1991 | Miura Kiyohiro | 三浦清宏 |
1992 | Aono So | 青野聰 |
1992 | Shimizu Kazuko | 清水和子 |
1994 | Yoshimeki Haruhiko | 吉目木晴彦 |
2002 | Nakagami Nori | 中上紀 |
2003 | Mizumura Minae | 水村美苗 |
2004 | Shimada Masahiko | 島田雅彦 |
2004 | Yoshimasu Gozo | 吉増剛造 |
2005 | Nomura Kiwao | 野村喜和夫 |
2005 | Yoshida Kyoko | 吉田恭子 |
2009 | Nakajima Kyoko | 中島京子 |
2013 | Tanizaki Yui | 谷崎由依 |
2016 | Shibasaki Tomoka | 柴崎友香 |
2017 | Fujino Kaori | 藤野可織 |
2018 | Takiguchi Yusho | 滝口悠生 |
2019 | Arai Takako | 新井高子 |
2022 | Nagae Yūki | 永方佑樹 |
2023 | Li Kotomi | 李琴峰 |
2023 | Yotsumoto Yasuhiro | 四元康祐 |
2024 | Okamoto Kei | 岡本啓 |
2024 | Sawanishi Yūten | 澤西祐典 |
For more information visit the Interlibrary Loan & Document Delivery page.
International Writing Program Archive of Residents' Work is available via Iowa Research Online.