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European Union Research Guide: Legislation

Primary Legislation : Treaties

Eur-Lex - the portal of European Law - makes EU treaties available from its web site.

Policy Documents

Eur-Lex - the portal of European Law - makes the Official Journal of the European Union available from its web site.

  • Official Journal of the European Communities, later European Union.
    A. L&C Series [computer file] (Cumulates annually)
    Gov Pubs Electronic Media Software 8643 (1998- )
    B. Legislation
    HD9525.A2 E8229 Government Publications (1973-1977)
    Gov Pubs Microfiche 87 Ser. L (1978-1999)
    Cited as OJ L, the "L" series of the Official Journal consists of the texts of enacted legislation.
    C. Information and notices
    HD9525.A2 E8229 Government Publications (1978-1999)
    Gov Pubs Microfiche 87 Ser. C (1978-1999)
    Cited as OJ C, the "C" series of the OJ consists of a diverse range of information from the various EU institutions. The contents of each issue are broken down into the sections "information" and "preparatory acts."
    D. Journal officiel des Communautes europeennes
    HD9525.A2 E8228 Government Publications (1958-1967)
  • Indexes for microfiche and paper editions of the Official Journal may also available depending on publication date. Please check the library catalog for holdings.
  • Directory of Community Legislation in force and other acts of the community institutions
    I-EC 19. Government Publications (1984-1985; 2001-2003)
    I-EC 19. Gov Pubs Microfiche ( 1987-1999)
    The Directory gives subject accesss to OJ-L. Under broad subject headings (section 1) one can find legislation in chronological order (section 2). Each reference gives the full title of the regulation or directive, modifications/amendments, and the Official Journal citation. There is a numerical listing of directives and regulations with cross references to the page of the Directory.

Policy Background Documents

  • EU Documents and Publications
  • Com Documents. Commission of the EU.
    I-EC/C73 24. Gov Pubs Storage (1974-1983)
    I-EC/C73 24. Main Reserves and Media (1983-2002)
    Com Documents include: proposals for legislation, broad policy documents and reports on the implementation of policy. Cited as "Com Doc," these are indexed in the Documents Catalog, and in European Access (selectively) . Since 1987, the COM documents are filed in numerical order. Prior to 1987, it is necessary to find the microfiche sheet number using the Numerical Index in the Documents Catalogue. Many of the earlier COM Docs are found in the European Parliament Reports.
  • Opinion Search
    Opinions and Reports CES. Economic and Social Committee of the EU.
    I-EC/Ec7 9. Main Reserves and Media (1985-2002)
    Most of the items in this series are the texts of Opinions of the ESC. A small minority are more substantial reports. CES Opinions and Reports are cited as "CES," and are indexed in the Documents Catalog, and in European Access (selectively). Some years may not be filmed in numerical order. To find the microfiche sheet number with the document it is necessary to consult the Numerical Index in the Documents Catalogue.
  • Reports. European Parliament
    I-EP 12A4. Main Reserves and Media (1984-1998)
    These are the documents the Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) use in carrying out the business of the European Parliament. They consist of reports form the different committees of the EP. Cited as "PE Doc," these documents and working papers of the European Parliament are indexed in the Documents Catalog, and in European Access (selectively). To find the microfiche sheet number it is necessary to consult the Numerical Index in the Documents Catalogue. Beginning with 1999 these are available only via the WWW.
  • Official Journal of the European Communities: Debates of the European Parliament.
    HC 240.A1 E8885. Government Publications (1973-1977)
    Main Reserves and Media 267 (1977-1997)
    I-EP 18. Gov Pubs CD-ROM. (1999-2002)
    Each issue contains the full text of the debates held during a plenary session of the EP and oral questions submitted. Minutes of plenary sessions are contained in the OJ-C .
  • COR Opinions and Reports / Resolutions (Committee of the Regions)
    I-EC/C73R 9. Government Publications (1996-2002)
    A collection of opinions and reports of the Committee of the Regions. All are reprinted in OJ-C.

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