Harvard University Leadership Institute for Academic Librarians certificate (2016)
UI Building our Global Community certificate (2018)
UI BUILD: Building University of Iowa Leadership for Diversity certificate (2016)
UI LEAD: Leadership, Education, Assessment, and Development certificate (2014)
Improving Our Workplace Award (IOWA) (2013 & 2010)
Iowa Library Association Leadership Institute certificate (2004)
Amy Paulus worked as a library assistant in Interlibrary Loan with the UI Libraries starting in 1998 and transitioned to a librarian in 2004, serving as the Interlibrary Loan/Documents Librarian. Since then, Amy's portfolio has increased and currently includes Finance, Facilities, Acquisitions, Bookstacks, Interlibrary Loan, Libraries Annex, Big Ten Academic Alliance Shared Print Repository.
B.A. History: Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa: December 1996
M.A. Library and Information Science: University of Iowa, Iowa City, Iowa: May 1998
“2009 ILLiad Conference: Two Perspectives”. Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery & Electronic Reserve. Volume 19, number 3, July-September 2009, pgs. 259-261.
“Lending Workflow Basics”. Interlibrary Loan Practices Handbook. 2011, pgs. 37-49.
"North American Coordinating Council on Japanese Library Resources", Interlending & Document Supply, Volume 41, number 2, 2013, pgs. 36–42.
“Staff Recognition at The University of Iowa Libraries: The Beginning of a Formal Program” published in Library Worklife: HR e-news for today’s leaders. Volume 5, number 9, September 2008.
“Using Data to Assess Staffing and Services: University of Iowa Main Library”, Journal of Access Services, Volume 11, number 3, 2014, pgs. 189-205.
Reframing to become a more inclusive leader: Iowa Library Association, October 2017
Shipping Materials Panel: OCLC Resource Sharing Conference, March 2017
Google Books: digitizing the world's knowledge one book at a time: Midwest Interlibrary Loan Conference, April 2016
Office Delivery 101: ILLiad International Conference, March 2016
Creating partnerships for student success: reflections on building a student-focused learning space: Iowa ACRL Conference, May 2014
Promoting use of link resolvers for faster delivery: ILLiad International Conference, March 2014
The future of FirstSearch: more visibility for your library and its resources: ALA Annual Conference, June 2013
International Interlibrary lending and borrowing: getting started and moving forward: ALA Annual Conference, June 2010
Valuing staff: employee relations and recognition programs: ALA Annual Conference, June 2008