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Linguistics: Featured Resources

About this guide

Guide content supports the teaching and research goals of multiple departments on campus. Content represents a non-exhaustive selection of essential resources and tools for engaging a wide range of backgrounds and viewpoints. 

African Language Families

African Language Families

Creator: Mark Dingemanse

Department of Linguistics

The University of Iowa Department of Linguistics offers programs leading to the Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy in Linguistics. The theoretical core of the programs is in phonology and syntax. The M.A. degree provides a broad education in linguistics which serves as a base for further study in linguistics or related disciplines. If a student chooses the TESL (Teaching English as a Second Language) focus, in conjunction with the M.A., then the degree prepares students for a career in teaching English to nonnative speakers overseas and at colleges and universities in the United States. The Ph.D. degree is primarily a research degree with a basis in phonology and syntax and with the opportunity for students to develop an area of research specialization.

The Department of Linguistics has particular strengths in phonology, syntax, and second language acquisition (SLA).

Second Language Acquisition (SLA) PhD Program

The Ph.D. in SLA is an interdisciplinary degree offered by FLARE (Foreign Language Acquisition Research and Education). Students interested in the Ph.D. must have completed the M.A. in an appropriate field (e.g., Linguistics, Foreign Language Education, TESOL/ESL) or have equivalent academic experience. Students may pursue their interdisciplinary interests in courses offered by the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences Departments of Asian Languages and Literature, French and Italian, German, Linguistics, Rhetoric, Spanish and Portuguese, and Speech Pathology and Audiology, and the College of Education Department of Psychological and Quantitative Foundations, and Teaching and Learning. There are more than 20 associated faculty members in these and other departments with whom students may study.

Featured Databases

Reference Materials

Contact for Linguistics

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Katie DeVries

Credit for Guide

The content of this guide was originally created by Edward Miner. 

Shelf Browsing: P1-1091

The Library of Congress classification scheme, used by the University of Iowa Libraries to catalog its materials, has designated the letter P to cover the languages and literatures of the world. As a sub-class, P is used to organize general linguistics materials. You can use this to browse in the bookstacks for materials of interest in broad subject categories and topics.

Library of Congress Subclass P

P1-1091 Philology. Linguistics

P1-85 General

P87-96 Communication. Mass media

P94.7 Interpersonal communication

P95-95.6 Oral communication. Speech

P98-98.5 Computational linguistics. Natural language processing

P99-99.4 Semiotics. Signs and symbols

P99.5-99.6 Nonverbal communication

P101-410 Language. Linguistic theory. Comparative grammar

P118-118.75 Language acquisition

P121-149 Science of language (Linguistics)

P201-299 Comparative grammar

P301-301.5 Style. Composition. Rhetoric

P302-302.87 Discourse analysis

P306-310 Translating and interpreting

P321-324.5 Etymology

P325-325.5 Semantics

P326-326.5 Lexicology

P327-327.5 Lexicography

P375-381 Linguistic geography

P501-769 Indo-European (Indo-Germanic) philology

P901-1091 Extinct ancient or medieval languages

To determine call number ranges for specific languages and language families, you can consult the following detailed list of the P classification.