Korea A2Z - Korean Studies DB Contents
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National Assembly Library of Korea (NALK-- 한국국회도서관)
The Korean collection at the University of Iowa is a part of the East Asian Collection and intershelved with Chinese and Japanese materials on the 2nd floor of the Main Library.
Thanks to the valiant efforts of Professor Jae-on Kim during his directorship (1994-2000) of the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies (CAPS), and with the Daewoo Foundation's support, the University of Iowa has received Korean books in the social sciences and humanities, which have established a solid foundation for today's Korean Collection. We are currently receiving support from the Korea Foundation and Literature Translation Institute of Korea to keep building our Korean Collection.
The western language materials on Korea are shelved as follows according to call number:
The Media Services is available at the Service Desk on the 1st floor.