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Korean Studies: Home


E-Journals in Korean

DBpia Restricted Resource

  • Full text database including over 2,300 journals and 230,000 academic articles. Keyword searchable. The journal titles are arranged by 11 subject categories (Business/Economics, Theology, Education, Sociology, Theology, Natural Science, Humanities, Language and literature, Law/Administration, Artistic and Physical)

KSI KISS Restricted Resource

  • Full text database of Korean scholarly journal articles, university publications and research papers published by over 1,200 research institutions in Korea. KISS offers over 1 million full text articles by over 300,000 authors, covering all subject areas.

Scholar Restricted Resource

  • Scholar provides a full text academic journal service and it covers 1,090 academic journals with 400,000 articles.

e-Article Restricted Resource

  • Provides access to databases including more than 750 titles of Korean scholarly journal articles on humanities and social science subjects.

Korean Indexes with Full-Text

KRpia Restricted Resource

  • Mostly in Korean. Full-text collection of Korean classical books including: history, literature, folk literature, natural history, oriental medicine, and other classical works.

Korea A2Z - Korean Studies DB Contents Restricted Resource

  • Korean A2Z is a knowledge content resource for Korean studies, including full-text online databases collecting primary sources and classics organized by subjects or format. Works such as 삼국사기(三國史記), 사서삼경(四書三經), and the Digital Encyclopedia of National Culture (EncyKorea) are included in Korean A2Z.

Korean History & Culture Research Database Restricted Resource

  • This database a full-text collection of excavation reports of historical sites in Koreaoperated by national and university museums and private research institutions since 1910. It contains research reports, catalogs, and maps related to Korean geography, history, folklore, and architecture.

KSI e-Book Restricted Resource

  • 4,500 titles of e-books included in various subjects

LawnB's Legal Information Service Restricted Resource

  • The largest online collection of Korean legal materials

History Culture Series Restricted Resource

  • A multi-media content database dedicated to Korean history and culture

Dissertations & Theses

ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global

  • Searchable and browsable database of dissertations and theses from around the world, spanning from 1743 to the present day. It also offers full text for graduate works added since 1997, along with selected full text for works written prior to 1997. It contains a significant amount of new international dissertations and theses both in citations and in full text.

Iowa Research Online (IRO)

  • IRO is a service of the University of Iowa Libraries dedicated to preserving and providing open access to the research and creative scholarship of the University.

National Assembly Library of Korea (NALK-- 한국국회도서관)

  • UI users now have access to the Digital Library of the National Assembly Library of Korea. Please ask the librarian for ID and PW to access Theses and Dissertations received by the NALK.

UI Korean Collection

The Korean collection at the University of Iowa is a part of the East Asian Collection and intershelved with Chinese and Japanese materials on the 2nd floor of the Main Library.

Thanks to the valiant efforts of Professor Jae-on Kim during his directorship (1994-2000) of the Center for Asian and Pacific Studies (CAPS), and with the Daewoo Foundation's support, the University of Iowa has received Korean books in the social sciences and humanities, which have established a solid foundation for today's Korean Collection. We are currently receiving support from the Korea Foundation and Literature Translation Institute of Korea to keep building our Korean Collection.

The western language materials on Korea are shelved as follows according to call number:

  • Books with call numbers A through D -- 5th floor
  • Books with call numbers E through PS3515 -- 4th floor
  • Journals, Current and Bound Issues -- 3rd floor
  • Books with call numbers PS3517 through Z -- 2nd floor

The Media Services is available at the Service Desk on the 1st floor.

UI Main Library Floorplan and Directory