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English Research Areas: Gender & Sexuality

A general introduction to resources related to the research areas of the English department.

Gender & Sexuality

From the English Department: 

The study of gender and sexuality is central to the research and teaching of a number of scholars in Iowa’s English department. Whether working in the more established area of women’s studies or in newer areas like sexuality studies, queer theory, masculinity studies, or in some combination of these, faculty offer courses in virtually all historical periods and in a range of geographical areas (British, American, African, South Asian, Asian American, and transnational). Faculty vary in their specialization and focus: from medieval poetry, Victorian fiction, and native women's literature to queer theory, popular culture, queer diasporas and sexualities, and postcolonial feminist theory. Students benefit from cross-listed and related courses offered by faculty affiliated with the Sexuality Studies Program, the Department of Women’s Studies, and International Programs.

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