This project will prepare you to become knowledgeable in voice technologies development. In teams, you will design a voice-user interface (Skills) for the Amazon Echo.
In collaboration with Librarian Kim Bloedel, you will work to design a UI Business Library Amazon Alexa Skill. Once developed, UI students will be able to search for and enable the UI Biz Lib skill on an Amazon Echo device. The Business Library Skill will enhance student engagement by providing touch free access to information about the business library and services offered in the new Tippie Biz Hub.
Each team will receive an Echo Dot and work within the campus amazon web services developer portal to create a Business Library Skill. At the end of the semester each team will present a proof of concept Alexa Skill for the UI Business Library.
Potential names for the skill:
Iowa Biz Lib,
UI Biz Lib,
Iowa Business Library.
Amazon Skill Name Requirements:
See Amazon Alexa Fact Skill tutorial for Invocation Name Requirements. Can a name be changed later? See this discussion on Amazon Developer list.
Sample Questions and information that a student could receive from the Alexa UI Biz Lib Skill (also see Business Library FAQ and/or the web site for more ideas):