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Theatre Arts: Get Started

This guide supports the History of Theatre and Drama courses and graduate study in Theatre Arts (playwrights, directors, actors, technical theatre, etc.)
Getting Started

When starting a research query or project, it's a good idea to write down or articulate your goals out loud. It keeps searching focused when you're able to describe the type of information you seek and for what purpose. The resources on this page can help you to take that initial research interest and fill it out with additional keywords. Encyclopedias and dictionaries are full of tidbits of information - people, places, events, and terms - that can open new avenues of inquiry or help focus your research. Watch the video to see this in practice!


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Katie Buehner
Contact: Website
Subjects: Dance, Music, Theatre Arts

Find a Librarian

A great trait of theatre arts is how it encompasses every aspect of humanity, but this means as a student of the art, you'll probably need to find resources on unfamiliar subjects and topics. The Libraries can help! We have subject specialist librarians who are experts on medical, government, historical, educational, psychological, scientific, and just about every other topic you could possibly imagine. 

Check out this list of subject specialists to find a librarian who can help you with your research!