A large online repository of fan fiction for many different fandoms, including TV shows, movies, books, anime/manga, comic books, games, and plays/musicals.
An ever-growing fan-run, fan-authored online wiki with thousands of entries about all sorts of fannish creations, including individual fanzines and fanzine authors.
An open-source encyclopedia devoted to zines, zine production and zine culture. Zinewiki is a major source of information on the independent small press universe of which fanzines are a significant part.
One fandom with a significant cult following has been "Blake's 7", a groundbreaking British science fiction show that ran originally from 1978-1981. Fan Judith Proctor has produced a one-stop reference site devoted to the show, which includes an index to most B7 fanzines.
"The Sentinel" was a cult science fiction/crime series that ran in syndication from 1996-1999. Like many cult television shows, it has resulted in a flurry of stories based around this particular universe.
"Quantum Leap" was a time-travel show broadcast on NBC from 1989-1993. As with many cult shows, it developed a passionate group of fans who have generated a number of stories and fanzines devoted to its characters and universe. This site contains an index to many QL fanzines.
One particular - and prolific - subset of fan fiction is known as "slash". Slash refers to fan fiction concerned with homosexual relationships between two or more characters; the first slash fandom detailed a same-sex relationship between "Star Trek" characters Captain Kirk and Mr. Spock, and these so-called "K/S" stories have proliferated over the decades.
A reference list, prepared by a collector and producer of "Star Wars" merchandise, of fanzines relating to this seminal SF movie series. "Star Wars", like "Star Trek" and other fandoms, has generated a large number of amateur publications by interested fans.
"The Professionals" was a popular British crime drama broadcast from 1977-1983. It has generated a strong cult following which has resulted in a number of fanzines devoted to the show and its characters.