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A Visitor's Guide to Hardin Library: Finding Resources

Electronic Resources

Nearly all of Hardin's electronic databases and journals can be used by visitors on campus through a guest ID. 
In order to acquire a guest ID you must provide a government issued photo identification such as a passport or driver's license.

For more information or to request a guest ID visit the 3rd floor reference desk.

Publically Available Databases


  • PubMed — free access to MEDLINE, the premier biomedical literature database.
  • MedlinePlus — authoritative information from NLM, the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and other government agencies and health-related organizations. It also includes extensive information about drugs, an illustrated medical encyclopedia, interactive patient tutorials, and the latest health news.
  • CancerNet — gateway to peer-reviewed information by cancer type. Includes links to PDQ (Physician Data Query), SEER (Surveillance, Epidemiology, and End Results) and other specialized information resources. Also available in Spanish.
  • National Library of Medicine (NLM) — multiple biomedical databases and resources available through NLM.
  • — searches over 38 databases and 1,950 selected websites of US government information. You can also explore websites by topics such as disease, mental health, and health care.
  • ECRI Guideline Trust —ECRI Guidelines Trust is a publicly available web-based repository of objective, evidence-based clinical practice guideline content. It provides physicians, nurses, and other clinical specialties with up-to-date, clinical practices to advance safe and effective patient care. It includes evidence-based guidance developed by nationally and internationally recognized medical organizations and societies. Registration for a free account is required on the site.

Publically Available Journal Articles

  • BioMed Central — an independent publishing house committed to providing immediate free access to peer-reviewed biomedical research.
  • DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals)—this service covers free, full text, quality controlled scientific and scholarly journals.
  • Free Medical Journals — is dedicated to the promotion of free access to medical journals over the Internet.
  • Highwire Press — more than 1.3 million free, full-text articles online.
  • Public Library of Science — a nonprofit scientific publishing venture that will provide high-quality, high-profile journal articles.
  • PubMed Central— a digital archive of life sciences journal literature managed by the U.S. National Center for Biotechnology Information at the National Library of Medicine.

Publically Available E-Books

  • Merck Manuals — a series of healthcare books for medical professionals and consumers. Texts are available in English as well as other languages.
  • Freebooks4Doctors — links to more than 500 full-text medical books online.
  • NCBI Bookshelf — a growing collection of online, searchable biomedical textbooks.