Susan Freundlich & Deaf Lesbians, Gay Community News, August 25,1979.
"Why don't 'show biz' telethons color the handicapped useful?", Des Moines Register, August 25, 1981.
Illinois School for the Deaf yearbook, 1973.
"About Sexuality and People with Disabilities" booklet by George Marshall Worthington, 1985.
"Let 'em Read Tapes" from The Disability Rag, July/August 1990.
Adams, Janet. Papers. 1980-2010. 5.2 linear feet. Boxes 5-7. Former Iowa State Representative and President of the Iowa League of Women Voters. She used her platform to advocate for people with mental illness.
Becker, Ruth Salzmann. Papers. 1858-2012. 4.75 linear feet. Box 5. A German-Jewish immigrant, teacher, and community activist. After her daughter Anne was born with Down syndrome, Becker became involved in disability organizations such as the Arc of Southeast Iowa, Goodwill Industries of Southeast Iowa, and Families, Inc.
Boedeker, Margaret Talcott. Papers. 1937-1998. 4 linear inches. Box 1. Teacher for the Bureau of Indian Affairs schools. She did volunteer work with the Iowa Commission of Persons with Disabilities in her later life.
Bondurant, Dorothy. Papers. 1926-1999. 3.75 linear feet. Box 1. A music educator for K-12 students. Many of her papers are original instruction materials. Of note are her teaching materials on children with disabilities.
Hannon, Beverly A. Papers. 1968-2015. 16 linear feet. Boxes 26-27. A two-term Iowa state senator from 1985 to 1992. Many of her legislative activities revolved around health and disability, including ADHD, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, head injuries, and mental health.
Harper-Bardach, Phyllis. Papers. 1940-1998. 1.5 linear feet. Boxes 1-4. A teacher for deaf students and a mother of a deaf child. Her collection focuses on her work in schools for deaf children, as well as her work on multiple state and national boards such as: the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf, TRIPOD, the National Advisory Committee on Individuals with Disabilities, the National Planning and Advisory Council for the White House Conference on Handicapped Individuals, the Parent Committee of the Convention of American Instructors of the Deaf, the Iowa Council on Speech, Hearing and Language Disorders, and the National Advisory Group for the National Technical Institute for the Deaf.
Harris, Claudine. Papers. 1903-2011. 4 linear feet. Boxes 6-9. A technical writer for the University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics and mental health advocate. Her collection contains documents from the Child Health Specialty Clinics program, as well as from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) Iowa.
Kramer, JoAnn. Papers. 1941-2004. 1 linear foot. Box 3. A physical education instructor and coach. After her daughter's accident resulted in a brain injury, she helped found BRAIN of Iowa, later renamed to Brain Injury Alliance, to help support and advocate for people with brain trauma. She also served on the Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities, the State Task Force on Head Injury, the State of Iowa Governor’s Advisory Council on Head Injury, and the Advisory Council for the Midwest Regional Head Injury Center for Rehabilitation and Prevention.
Krohn, Emmylou. Papers. 1940-1998. 12.3 linear inches. Boxes 1-2. A teacher, columnist, and farmwoman. She taught at the Iowa School for the Deaf and co-authored a grammar textbook for hearing-impaired children.
Mays, A. Louise. Papers. 1939-1997. 2.5 linear inches. Box 1. A Des Moines social worker working with children from distressed families and those with hearing and/or speech disabilities.
Misbach, Dorothy. Papers. 1890-1999. 3.3 linear feet. Boxes 4-5, 8. A teacher at Perkins School for the Blind, the Cleveland Public Schools, the Iowa Braille and Sight Saving School in Vinton, Iowa, as well as both teacher and principal of the California School for the Blind. Misbach also served as an educational counselor at the New Jersey Commission for the Blind and worked as a consultant at the California State Department of Education in Sacramento for twenty years. Her collection includes three braille instruments.
Rabenold, Jo. Papers. 1965-1983. 3.75 linear feet. Box 1. An Iowa City political activist described by her friends as a "roving lesbian" who devoted her time to political causes of all kinds. Her collection includes a resource file on disabilities in the late seventies.
Sandage, Shirley M. Papers. 1927-2007. 7.25 linear feet. Box 9. A homemaker, social activist, and "professional agitator." In her later life, she served as the director of program development for the National Organization on Disability (NOD). Her position involved directing Brady's Calling on America campaign, which promoted the full inclusion of people with disabilities into community life.
Schutter, Betty Rugen. Papers. 1937-1980. 9 linear inches. A speech therapist who taught at the South Dakota School for the Deaf and maintained a private speech therapy practice in her home.
Szymoniak, Elaine. Papers. 1974-2004. 4.62 linear feet. Box 1. An Iowa state senator, Des Moines City Council member, and hearing and speech consultant. Her parents' deafness led her to a career in speech therapy and later in rehabilitation at the Iowa Department of Public Instruction for twenty-one years.
Tinsman, Maggie. Papers. 1971-2015. 32 linear feet. Boxes 5, 7, 12-13, 31, 73-74, 78. Iowa State Senator, social worker, political activist, and businesswoman. She served on many committees with focuses on health and human rights, disabilities, and mental health, as well as serving on multiple health-related councils.
Booster Women's Club (Fort Madison, Iowa). Records. 1947-1998. 2.5 linear inches. A club made up of African-American women who participated in community advocacy. Part of their advocacy included raising funds for children with disabilities.
Central Iowa Family Planning. Records. 1971-2016. 2 linear feet. Box 3. A needs-based medical care clinic that provided sexual education programs to the Marshalltown, IA community. Included in the collection is a sexual education program for people with disabilities.
Emma Goldman Clinic (Iowa City, Iowa). Records. 1971-2013. 24 linear feet. Box 43. The first outpatient abortion clinic in Iowa and the first feminist health clinic in the Midwest. Included in the collection are materials on disability and sexuality.
FlaGstone: A Publication of the FG Syndrome Family Alliance newsletters. Publications. 1998-2006. 2.5 linear inches. The FG Syndrome Family Alliance was founded by a group of parents who offer support, share information, and learn more about the disease. The collection consists of the Alliance's bi-monthly newsletter, FlaGstone.
Iowa Nurses' Association. Records. 1904-1989. 83 linear feet. Boxes 61-62. The state chapter of the American Nurses' Association. The Association's objective is to effect legislation standardizing nurse education and establishing a board which would oversee educational standards and register graduate nurses. Including in this collection are papers on the Committee on Intellectual Disability.
Marian Rees Associates. Records. 1981-2000. 86 linear feet. Boxes 25-37. Created by Marian Rees, the Marian Rees Associates production company supported women in the television entertainment industry while also creating unique programming. The collection includes the production materials for the Emmy Award-winning TV film "Love is Never Silent," one of the first programs on television to be closed-captioned for the hard of hearing. The story focuses on the personal and social challenges a family faces when deaf parents struggle to raise a daughter in a hearing world.
Pilot International Club of Iowa City. Records. 1939-2012. 14.5 linear feet. A volunteer service organization focused on improving conditions and treatment for brain-related disorders, such as Alzheimer's, chemical dependency, brain injuries, and mental disabilities. The club was also a leader in helping establish a mental health center in Johnson County.
Quota Club (Sioux City, Iowa). Records. 1960-1997. 1.25 linear feet. A professional women's service club dedicated to the leadership, teamwork and service of women with a branch in Sioux City, Iowa. Included in their records are resource booklets for the hard of hearing and materials for "Better Hearing and Speech" Month.
Women Against Racism Committee (Iowa City, Iowa). Records. 1981-1998. 4 linear feet. Boxes 1-2. A multi-racial and multi-ethnic committee consisting primarily of women who used the facilities and services provided by the Women's Resource and Action Center (WRAC) at the University of Iowa. The purpose of the Committee was to critique the racism its members perceived at WRAC, along with studying other forms of oppression such as sexism, homophobia, disability-related discrimination. Included in the collection are advocacy readings relating to people with disabilities.