Below are a list of databases and data feeds for faculty research. If you have questions, please contact Business Librarians Kim Bloedel or Willow Fuchs.
Databases in WRDS / How to Register for a WRDS Account
Databases used primarily for faculty research (not in WRDS)
Coding tools and online learning
Visit the Business Library web site to search the catalog, find research guides, and to learn more about library services
Access these datasets through your individual WRDS account.
No account? Follow these instructions to request an account.
Do you already have a UI WRDS account? LOGIN TO WRDS
Do you need to register for a new UI WRDS account?
Step 1:Go to
Step 2: Complete the Account Request form. Once your request is approved, you will receive an email with instructions for setting up a WRDS account with credentials.
Have you changed institutions and need to transfer an account?
If you need to transfer an account, go to this link: