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Black Music: Get Started

Black Music

About this Guide

This guide explores various genres of Black Music, along with resources that provide an overview of its history and philosophies. The coverage is not comprehensive (more genres to explore in future!), but hopefully the books, databases, recordings, and web resources available here will assist your research into this exciting topic. If you have suggestions for genres or resources to include on this guide, please email the Rita Benton Music Library.

History & Overview

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Resources crossing genres and time periods that discuss or support research in black music


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Jazz recordings, videos, books, magazines, journals, and much more are available in the Music Library and online.

In Literature

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Six novels for the class Black Music as Literature, Fall 2022

Rap and Hip-Hop

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Links to books, magazines, recordings, and video resources on rap and hip-hop

Spirituals & Gospel

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Links to scores, databases, recordings, and books about religious black music

Rhythm & Blues

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Resources on rhythm and blues music, from the Mississippi Delta to Usher.

Reggae & Dub

Links to books, recordings, and databases for researching reggae, dub, and popular music of Jamaica