The Soul in the Brain by Michael R. TrimbleISBN: 9780801884818
Publication Date: 2007-04-17
The Soul in the Brain is a fascinating review of some of the most important aspects of human life—providing an account of the history of thought around art, religion, and language, and the scientific perspective Dr. Michael R. Trimble is uniquely qualified to give. Yet, in this examination, the question of whether such methods should be applied to these topics becomes imperative to ask; and, in the way that Tremble’s book approaches such issues, one must reject his attempts at objectivity, at least in art—his approach not being new, but rather emblematic of old problems, the same that caused Antonin Artaud to declare ‘En finir avec les chefs-d’oeuvre.’ If you are already a student of neuroscience or have more patience for the attempted injection of objectivity into art, this book is a dive worth taking, but if you don’t possess one or both of those traits, you may want to look elsewhere.
Elise Hynnek- Sutdent Assistant