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Environmental Resources: A research guide

This is a collection of U.S. government authored resources on environmental issues including Environmental Impact Statements, NEPA laws, regulations, and complementary databases.

EIS Purpose

Federal agencies must "integrate environmental values into their decision making process by considering the environmental impact of their proposed actions and reasonable alternatives to those actions". -- National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), January 1, 1970 (P.L. 91-190, 83 Stat. 852)

Important Journals

Browsing EIS in UI Libraries

Dept. of Interior (SuDocs I1.98:)
USDA Forest Service: (SuDocs A13.92 and A13.92/2)

NOAA (SuDocs C55.34:)
Army Corp of Engineers (SuDocs D103.62: or :65)
DOE (SuDocs E2.11:)
EPA (SuDocs EP 1.57:)
DOT (SuDocs TD4.48:)

EIS Cumulative (Ref. South fTD194.6 .E18)

Public Lands for the Public Good

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Brett Cloyd
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