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Research Areas in English: Religion, Secularism, Postsecular Studies: Early Sociological and Critical Work

A guide to the study of Religion, Secularism, Postsecular Studies at the University of Iowa English Department.

Early Sociological and Critical Work on Religion, Secularization, and Secularism

While terms such as "postsecular" and "the religious turn" began to form in the 1990's, other writings are foundational to the ideas that developed at that time. Below are the major works of Sociology and critical works on Religion, Secularization, and Secularism that influence the development of the idea of postsecular. Further down on the page is a listing of works by some of the major writers whose ideas developed the field, and the writers who were influenced by them.

Major Early Sociological and Critical Works

Major Authors and Their Ideological Descendants

Talal Asad's Genealogy of Religion and its descendants: Saba Mahmood, as well as histories of the colonial provenance of "religion" by Chidester, Frykenberg, Masuzawa, et al