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ENGL:1200:0059 The Interpretation of Literature - Bonner, Fall 2024: Resources

Information about the library and resources for ENGL:1200:0030 with Hannah Bonner.

The Daily Iowan

Test of The Daily Iowan logo with tagline "The Independent Newspaper of the University of Iowa Community since 1868"

For coverage since July 2024, consult The Daily Iowan website at

Historic archives of the paper from 1868 to July 2024 can be found at

Iowa City Press-Citizen

Logo of the Iowa City Press-Citizen newspaper

The current online articles of the Iowa City Press-Citizen can be found at but only a limited number of articles are available for non-subscribers each month.

The current week's copies are found in print in The Perch. Historical copies of the Press-Citizen from 1949 to the present (with some gaps) can be accessed through the University of Iowa Libraries here

Little Village

Little Village logo with tagline "Iowa City/Cedar Rapids: News, Culture & Events"

Current and recent issues of Little Village can be found on their website:

The digital archive for Little Village can be found at

The Gazette

Logo for The Gazette newspaper

The current online articles of The Gazette (formerly The Cedar Rapids Gazette) can be found at but only a limited number of articles are available for non-subscribers each month.

A searchable historical archive of The Gazette from January 1, 1992 to the present can be accessed through the University of Iowa Libraries here. You will need to log in with your HawkID and password.