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Digital Signage Instructions: Create a Slide Using Photoshop

Photoshop is an imaging and design software. The following instructions may require slight revisions depending your computer's operating system (Mac or Windows).

Adobe Photoshop for Mac

Creating a Slide Using Photoshop

  • Open Photoshop and select File > New. Change the width to 1920 pixels and the height to 1080 pixels. Resolution should be set to 72 and the color mode set to RGB. Next select OK.
  • To create your slide, please use the information in our Guidelines for Creating Slides.
  • Choose Export > Save for Web (Legacy). Make sure your file is saved as a JPEG, with a quality of 80 and with the Optimized radio button checked. Next click Save.​
  • Name the file using the information in our Guidelines for Creating Slides and save to appropriate folder in Communications folder on L Drive.

Modifying Dimensions of an Existing JPEG File

If you have an existing JPEG file that needs to be resized to the correct pixel size (1080 pixels), please refer to these instructions on how to modify the size of an image in Photoshop: How to Resize Images in Photoshop

Please note, however, that if time allows it is often best to adjust the image size using the software originally used to create the slide. For example, if you used PowerPoint to create the slide, use the original PowerPoint file to make adjustments and save it as a new file.

Modifying Dimensions of an Existing File

If you have an existing PDF file that needs to be reformatted as a JPEG, please refer to these instructions: How to Convert PDF to JPG using Photoshop

Adobe Photoshop for PC