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GWSS:3154 Sexuality in the U.S.: Home

Resources for students in GWSS:3154 Sexuality in the United States.

Proquest Congressional

Documentaries on Sex and Sexuality Online

In this film we meet eight elderly gays and lesbians who lived through an era when homosexuality was not tolerated, and who battled for self-esteem and survival in a "straight world." Among them are: a male couple still in love after 55 years of living together; a former monk turned rancher who in his eighties has made peace with being Catholic and gay; and a black great-grandmother who revealed her lesbianism to her grandchildren. This film challenges many stereotypes about homosexuals and shows that they have long-standing, deep-rooted commitments. 
On a single cross-searchable platform, users have a completely integrated online repository of Alexander Street Video titles that your institution subscribes to or owns, including VAST: Academic Video Online (a large, multidisciplinary video product with nearly 17,000 videos and continuing to grow), along with individual discipline collections in history, art and architecture, business, counseling and therapy, dance, opera, theatre, musical performance, anthropology, health and rehabilitation, opera, nursing, science, women’s studies, black studies, LGBT studies, and more.

Subject Guide

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Katie DeVries

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